It’s kind of tradition at our household to go down to Deadwood, where my grandpa lives, every summer and help him put up his hay. The highlights of the trip this year included...

-the car ride down
-fun times spent with cousins
-sugar…lots of sugar.
-lots of hay, sweat, and grime
-a visit to the beach
7/21/2012 06:37:43 am

Looks like you had a great week! I laughed when I saw the picture of the sand dollar... ;-)

Thanks for your help (and Joe's) with the goats while we were gone!! :)

7/22/2012 07:23:37 am

Looks like some super fun times! Love your photos, as always. :) Also loving Josh's hoodie... 'bout time something like that was made. :D

7/22/2012 08:07:13 am

Looks like you guys had a fun trip! :) One of these photos reminded me of another photo from a few years ago... something to do with sand dollars. ;)

7/27/2012 09:50:08 am

wow. Way to cut off mac's face in the middle picture there! :P


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